Nigar Helmi’s solo exhibition opens in Baku

Baku, Azerbaijan

Yesterday, a solo exhibition of Azerbaijani entrepreneur and artist, Nigyar Helmi, was opened under the title Vetenin Mirasi (Heritage of the Motherland) in QGallery, - reports Novaya Epokha (New Epoch).

The exhibition includes a collection of fine art paintings and masterpieces of luxury jewelry brand, Miras, owned by Nigar Helmi. The artist is now trying her brush at different genres of painting, and the latest series of her works is devoted to Karabakh. The works of this series, including Mosque of Govhar-Agha, Ruined House of Byulbyul, Ruined Palace of Panahali khan, and Varazgun Temple, according to the organizers, were marked at numerous art fairs and prestigious exhibitions of modern art.

In her interview with the Research and Information Internet Newspaper Novaya Epokha (New Epoch) Nigar Helmi noted that the main part of the exhibit consisted of paintings depicting the heart-breaking ruins of native Karabakh, “The idea of the exhibit was born after the beginning of the Second Karabakh War under the excellent leadership of the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, Supreme Commander-in-Chief, as a result of which the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was restored. Of course, we will write about the incredible beauty of Karabakh, which is an inexhaustible part of Azerbaijan, but this time I wanted to leave to future generations and people living abroad, the memory associated with the destruction and damage caused to Azerbaijan by the Armenian invaders. I considered it my duty to print on my canvases the destroyed architectural and historical monuments located on the territory of Karabakh. This series is a kind of respect for our country, our brave warriors and war veterans”, said the artist.

According to the picture, dedicated to the theme of Karabakh, the exhibit included a canvas with the beauties of Baku and Istanbul.