to be, rather than to appear

Nigar Helmi, an artist and an inspiration behind ‘MIRAS’.

Nigar Helmi is an avid arts lover and is a graduate of an arts college (1992). She has been experimenting in various painting genres and has created amazing art works over her professional career. Her recent series of works have been dedicated to Karabakh theme. Some of her well known works such as “Govhar Aga Mosque”, Ruins of Bylbyl house”, “Ruins of Panali khan Palace” and “Varazgun Temple“ have attracted attention of several art fairs and exhibitions like “Art3f Monaco International Contemporary Art Fair” organised by Association des Artistes Contemporains de Turquie à Paris, and “ART EXPO NEW YORK”.

She pushes an idea further by deconstructing her view into simpler elements and destroying the obvious while simultaneously including authentic moments to convey more elaborate ideas. She is intrigued with contrasting interactions; simple vs. complex, classic vs. modern, clarity vs. ambiguity, order vs. chaos, depth vs. shallowness, negative space vs. positive space, etc. She uses texture to define form by sculpting oil paint with her palette knife.

All of these elements combined with her creativity and skill bring to life a painting that displays imperfect beauty in a very unique style. She finds the most freedom of expression through various subject matter but is most known for her Karabakh series , landscapes, and floral still lifes. However, not to place limits on herself, she at times enjoys experimentation with other subjects while working with several mediums and tools at times.

A graduate of the faculty of international journalism and philology of the Khazar University (1998), Nigar Helmi has realized her old dream of combining her artistry with her creative entrepreneurship resulting in establishing the original jewelry brand ‘Miras’.

Currently the artist is presented by Monat Gallery (Spain) & Artio Gallery (Canada).

"Miras" brand is an epitome of a convergence of traditional jewelry crafts with modern trends. It is a vivid demonstration of Azeri jewelry heritage on modern world arena, through traditional and cultural blends of various regions of Azerbaijan.

1975 - Born in Baku

1992 - Graduate of an Art College

1998 - BA, International journalism & philology Khazar University)

2007 - diploma of lawyer (Baku State University)

2021 / 29 June - 05 July - Solo exhibition “The Heritage of Motherland”, Baku, Azerbaijan

2021 / 27-29 August - Salon International d’art Contemporain Art3f Monaco

2021 / 22-24 October - Carrousel du Louvre Paris

2022 / 12-22 May - Solo exhibition “Karabakh Heritage “ Atatürk Cultural Center, Istanbul

2023 / 14 - 19 mart - Scent of a Woman (Museum of Modern Art)

2023 / 29 mart - 2 aprel - New York Art Expo

2023 / 19 - 22 aprel - Karabakh Heritage (CSO Ada Ankara)

2023 / 24 June – 3 July - Contemporary Art Exhibition, Venice, Italy

2023 / 24-26 November - Brussels Art Fair, Brussels, Belgium

2024 / 14-30 January - “White Noise” group exhibition, Monat Gallery, Madrid, Spain

2024 / 28-30 June - "Beyond Borders" by Artio Gallery - Barcelona, Spain