The coinage of wartime literature is one of the major challenges of our time.


The "Azerbaijan Literary Foundation" and the "Azerbaijan-Türkiye Social Progress Assistance" Public Union organised a hearing on "wartime literature" in the Republican Youth Library named after Jafar Jabbarli.
Attendees included students, library staff, and war veterans' families, as well as representatives of the press, literature, and culture.
First, there was a minute of silence to honour the memories of our martyrs who gave their lives to protect Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.
Varis Yolchiyev, the Director General of the Azerbaijan Literary Fund, the Co-Chairman of the Eurasian Assembly of Nations Literary Council, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union greeted the attendees. They noted many insightful and fascinating examples of war in international and national literature, including folklore. Yolchiyev brought up the 44-day Patriotic War, in which the Azerbaijani people won a victory, and highlighted the significance of producing works of literature honoring this victory that can be placed alongside the canonical works of world literature, such as "War and Peace" and "Ali and Nino" etc., that have been written on the subjects of war and victory. He believed that more instances of poetry and prose depicting our glorious heritage would continue to be registered with all might to enrich readers' outlooks.
Aslan Jafarov, the library's director, noted that Azerbaijan, which lost its land piece by piece over almost 200 years, is now regaining its territorial integrity and returning its ancestral lands. This blatantly exemplifies the victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev's astute diplomacy and unwavering resolve. He spoke about the composition of literary pieces that chronicle our triumphant past, which brings us great joy. Citing President Ilham Aliyev's asseveration, "Shusha, you are free; we will revive you, " he said that every step taken in the direction of promoting the history, literature, and art of Shusha, which is the ancient land of Azerbaijan and the cradle of our culture, has historical significance. By providing details about the book "You are Free," which honors the glorious 44-day war history of Azerbaijan and includes over 30 literary works authored by roughly 20 young authors, such priceless works will eventually be added to the shelves of numerous high and secondary schools as well as libraries. He mentioned that it would be a great way to decorate and an excellent resource for historical studies.
The event was memorable with the speeches of the Chairman of the Azerbaijan-Türkiye Social Progress Public Union, member of the Azerbaijan Union of Artists, member of the International Union of Professional Artists under UNESCO, Nigar Helmi Abbasbeyli, Chairman of Ashigs' Union, Honoured Scientist, Professor Maharram Gasimli, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professor, writer-publicist Sharaf Jalili, well-known writer, author of historical novels Yunus Oguz, doctor of philology, founder and head of the "Literary Turan" Foundation Esmira Fuad, adviser to the Chairman of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union Sayman Aruz, author of the two-volume "444 Knights of the 44-Day War" Antiga Gonaq, well-known guest Fakhriyya Lilpar, sister of TV journalist, martyr of the First Karabakh War Zahid Bayramov, Director of Sabail District Central Library, Narmin Khalilova, wife of the martyred Colonel-Lieutenant Vidadi Khalilov, and well-known journalist, author of several books about the martyrs of the Karabakh War, Aida Eyvazli who highlighted the importance of the event.
The importance of literature in bringing Azerbaijani truths to the world was underlined. The event featured performances of poems with the themes of victory and the Motherland.